September 10 - November 27th, 2023
Lantern Space
 Yilan City, Yilan, Taiwan

This photo was taken in the wee hours of my opening. As you can see, dancing on chairs is just my form of expression for how happy I was. But all kidding aside, I was so honored and humbled to have a solo show of 50 works about Yilan, Taiwan. I had approximately 6 months to develop all new works! I mainly wanted to focus on developing abstract works capturing the patterns of a place and how they manifest in architecture, landscape, people, fashion. Due to the broad range of topics, this show is grouped into 8 mini series:


Paintings celebrating the constant changing landscape of Yilan, Taiwan


Traveling and taking in the environment. Patterns of a place become part of the figure’s dress or hair. Represents the idea of traveling and experiencing a new place and creating a memory.


Exploring abstraction of landscapes..

a simplifying of visuals to distill down and capture the essence of a place.

I am most inspired by the vastness and everchanging color palettes of the Yilan sky, moutains and rice fields. The mood of the mountains and skies range from etheral and dreamy to dark and brooding, to joyful and hopeful. Depending on the season or the sunshine, the landscape color palette dances between bright greens of the new rice sprouts to the neon green velvety carpet it grows into. The layering of the purple/ blue mountains is a dynamic contrast to the landscapes lush tones of green. Abstract houses and temples float within these spaces as if in a surreal dream representing serenity and joy.


An invigorating experience that captures all senses in both body and mind.

These are the only monochromatic pieces in the show because I thought that color would had detracted from the purity of the line. 

I wanted to express and capture the energy, rhythmn, and organized chaos of a market. By limiting my tools to ink and a bamboo fountain pen, it allowed me to explore caprturing a feeling of space, energy and rhythmn.



Patterns of a place are like a thumbprint of a memory. I see patterns in micro and macro worlds. From Colorful fish at a fishing port, to landscapes, nightmarkets, structures.


Traveling and taking in the environment. Patterns of a place become part of the figure’s dress or hair. Represents the idea of traveling and experiencing a new place and creating a memory.


Traveling and taking in the environment. Patterns of a place become part of the figure’s dress or hair. Represents the idea of traveling and experiencing a new place and creating a memory.